About Nsm 3.8design Water Supply System

1. General Description
This ND series pump is a horizontal, single suction, multi-stage centrifugal pump section.The pump has compact construction,reasonable arrangement, attractive appearance.The inlet and outlet diameter is same which is convenient for pipeline connection.The capacity and head can be meetted by reducing or adding stage numbers and cutting the diameter of the impeller.
2. Introduction
ND ( NDC, NDA) series multistage centrifugal pumps are horizontally installation.Thanks to the use of advanced hydraulic model and low-speed motor, the pump features high efficiency, energy-saving, smooth operation, low noise and little vibration. Meanwhile, the service life of wearing parts has been multiplied, which has greatly lengthened the service life of pump.
♦ Hot and cold clean, non-flammable and non-explosive liquid without solid grain and fiber.If for explosive liquid should choose explosion-proof motor.
♦ Mineral water, soft water, pure water, mine water,sewage,chemical liquid and other chemical mediums
♦ When the density or viscosity of liquid is larger than that of water, it is necessary to select a motor of high-power.
3. Model Explanation
ND ( NDC, NDA) 280-65×5
N: Our company(Norman)
D: Single suction Multistage
C: Corrosion
A: Abrasion
280: Capacity(m3/h)
65: Head(m)
5: Pump stage number

25 PointPlan

The guiding principles of The National SocialistMovement Corporation is fighting for civil rights andself-determination of Whites in America. The Fourteen Words, “Wemust secure the existence of our people and a future for Whitechildren,” best exemplifies the mission of our movement. Working tocreate a sustainable Homeland for our culture, identity, families andblood.

We fight for Faith, Family, and Folk; allelements of the national rebirth of our people and culture.

Water supply and sanitation. The safe disposal of human excreta and greywater is vitally important in the control of infectious and other communicable diseases and the design and construction of appropriate sanitation systems is of paramount importance in contributing to the safe disposal of human excreta.

  • The purpose with a domestic service water supply system is to provide consumers with enough hot and cold water. In old buildings it is common with gravity storage tanks on the top floor of the building. More commonly used in new systems are pressurized tanks and supply pumps.
  • Acknowledgments This is the fourth edition of the Water System Design Manual.Many Department of Health (DOH) employees provided valuable insights and suggestions to this publication.
  • Irrigation system. The water supply to, and the drainage from, the system is another. Design consideration. Inability to have trees for shade and shelter in fields with these.
  • The issues and concerns surrounding the nation’s public water supply distribution systems are many. Of the 34 billion gallons of water produced daily by public water systems in the United States, approximately 63 percent is used by residential customers. More than 80 percent of the water supplied to residences is used for activities other.

Below are the 25 Points of our Party:


The National Socialist Movement shall workto secure freedom for the White population of North America throughthe principle of self-determination. We shall be governed by ourpeople and our people alone.

In the American Empire, we are slaves to thewishes of globalists and Wall Street.

Our Party shall enact the Constitutional right tobe free from the tyrannical regime of Washington, DC and chart ourown independent course for our people.

We oppose Colonialism, Capitalism dominated byJudaism, Communism, and neo-imperialism.

We demand that all foreign military bases of theAmerican Empire be closed. This closure includes: removing allweapons of mass destruction and CIA black sites from foreign soil,working with global partners towards a reduction ofnuclear/chemical/and biological weapons worldwide, and an end tofunding for Mercenaries/Defense Contractors that act as a proxymilitary of the United States.

Non-white and blended ethnic communities shallhave the same right of self-determination as White communities. Thiswill bring the end of the American Empire’s “One Size Fits None”system of government.

Communities of shared politics or religion, fromany part of the political spectrum, also shall have the right ofself-determination. Thus, allowing all people on the North Americancontinent to choose the type of society and government they wish tolive in.

Our own people will be governed by the principlesof National Socialism.

Only members of the National Community may becitizens of the State. Citizenship in the Homeland must therefore belimited to White persons who share our values, and White personsalone.

Non-citizens may live in our nation only asguests and must be subject to laws for aliens. Guests will always betreated with respect and in full accordance with internationalstandards of Human Rights.

Until sovereignty is achieved, we are the voicefor our people within the current system, advocating and agitatingfor our people against the oligarchs, special interests, and identitygroups we have been pitted against by this empire. Our position onsovereignty is neither treasonous nor seditious. It is self-evidentthat the current system’s own contradictions and self-inflictedcrisis will prove to its undoing.

2.National Socialism

Today’s global capitalist system is the enemyof all humanity and represents the greatest threat to the continuedexistence of our people. Its policies of mass immigration andanti-white “anti-racism” are an attack on the White working classand their ability to organize collectively.

The clear goal of capitalism, as with Marxism, isthe complete replacement of our people with an endless supply ofalienated peoples, cut off from ties of blood, soil, religion andidentity; who can be more easily controlled and exploited by theJewish elites and their capitalist lackeys.

We demand a National Socialist government,economy, and society for our people. All citizens shall have equalrights and duties within the nation.

The National Community is the foundation ofNational Socialism, where the nation is one bound together by sharedrace, culture and identity. We shall value self-reliance as the modelfor our nation, ensuring our people cannot be oppressed by hostileforeign influences.

The National Community shall take upon itself thepromotion of morality, healthy families and social justice for itsmembers. When we advocate for National Socialism, we advocate a Statewhose existence is founded on the preservation of our people. Thenation is like a living and breathing organism, comprised of itsfamilies, communities, and comrades--our hearts beating as one.

In order to have total trust within the NationalCommunity, corruption and cronyism will be investigated and harshlyprosecuted. Above all, the government must undertake the obligationof providing all citizens with a nation that is safe, secure, andwill protect the distinct ethnic, moral, and cultural foundation ofthe nation. The orderly, “high-trust” way of life our forefatherstook for granted will be restored through punishing and excising allwho bribe, blackmail, scam, and scheme.

3.Green Policies

The National Socialist Movement believes stronglyin conservation, staunch environmentalism, and building a ‘green’society. In the age of climate change, the poisoning of theenvironment, and the corporatization of our food and water supply,only revolutionary change can turn back the ecocide that our planetis currently suffering.

About Nsm 3.8design Water Supply System

Man was made to be a good steward of our land inorder to pass it down to our children, grandchildren, and allgenerations to come. What good are our sacrifices for the health andwealth of our future generations if we don’t make sacrifices toensure the health and wealth of their natural environment?

We call for the ban on kosher slaughter, halalslaughter, and the inhumane treatment of animals.

Mistreatment of animals, either by private orcorporate forces, shall be banned.

Government grants and programs will beestablished bringing more green space to existing communities. Newconstruction must be looked at in terms of the impact it will have onthe natural environment and the community at large. Instead of anendless landmass of strip malls and isolated suburban developments,the redevelopment of living space towards more green space will bringabout organic and close-knit communities. This will improve not onlythe environment, but quality of life for our citizens.

Development of green mass transit systems bothwithin cities and between communities will reduce our carbonfootprint as a nation, tie us together as a National Community andimprove the lives of our citizens, especially the working class.

The State shall work to protect and develop anatural relationship for our people and the natural world to live inharmony with one another.

Clean and free drinking water is a human right.The State shall work tirelessly to guarantee our water supplies arekept free from contamination and are easily accessible to allcitizens.

The Party shall promote local organic productionof agricultural products and work to make our nation carbon negativewithin ten years of taking power.

We shall ban the production of GMOs and the useof insecticides that damage the environment, humans, and native beepopulations.

To safeguard our citizens and the environment weshall hold corporations accountable for the environmental impact theyhave, while working to end the use of persistent, bio accumulative,and toxic (PBT) chemicals.

Our nation must treat the natural resources,wildlife, and livestock within our nation as a cherished inheritance.We must protect them while providing sustainable jobs and resourcesbased on their utilization for our people.

We stand for investing in and developingrenewable and green energy sources for long term energy independenceand reduction of carbon emissions to give clean affordable power toour nation, millions of jobs to our citizens, and cleaner air andwater for our families.

Our proposed green jobs program will be thelargest investment in American history in the infrastructure of ourcommunities and in the future of the planet.


Healthcareis a human right, not a business opportunity in which workingfamilies and the poor are left without adequate access to doctors,medicines and proper treatment.

About Nsm 3.8design Water Supply System

Investment in the health and vitality of one’scountrymen benefits all.

We support a universal healthcare system for ourcitizens.

Currently our VA system is being exploited byVeterans who have not served in the military in years. Our soldierswith physical and mental conditions relating to war consisting of,but not limited to PTSD come first. The days of old men clogging upthe VA with non-war related conditions will be over. Combatillnesses/conditions will get top priority.

Foreigners who wish to come to our nation forhealthcare are welcome, but they will not be granted the benefitsthat our citizens have and will have to pay reasonable rates forthese services.

Our healthcare system will not be one like themodern American system where corporate profits are put ahead ofpeople and our families are forced to subsidize millions offoreigners. Our healthcare system will provide coverage to all ourcitizens, regardless of income.

We shall encourage scientific advancement throughcooperation with other governments and doctors around the world toput the health of our citizens above profits.

Private health coverage will be allowed, forthose that desire it. Private healthcare entities shall compete onequal ground in order to allow and encourage the highest levels ofscientific progress and care possible for our people.

In the past few decades, there has been a tragicdecrease in investment in mental healthcare services, betraying ourmost vulnerable. This will be reversed, with generous investment ininpatient and outpatient facilities and services.

Pharmaceutical companies shall be banned fromadvertising to patients or the public. These companies shall also beresponsible for their products, the process of companies passing offsocietal costs and not being held accountable for misleading ormistreating the public is over.

Every public school shall offer three free andfull meals per day and every county--even the rural ones--shall havea soup kitchen and subsidized farmers markets in order to fullyeradicate hunger from our nation. The school lunch and soup kitchenprograms will be sourced as much as possible from local communitymembers and local farmers.

Good nutrition and an active lifestyle arecritical to one’s health and longevity. The State shall activelyencourage participation in local intramural sports throughsubsidization of corporate, organizational, neighborhood andreligious organization sporting teams.

Government programs to provide cancer screenings,preventative medicine, dental care, access to healthy and nutritiousfoods for all citizens, along with health education shall all bereadily available.

Organic and healthy foods will be made affordableand local cultivation on the family and community level encouraged.


We demand the end of foreclosures andtaxation on the primary dwelling places of families with children orthe elderly. Our families and aged have the right to know thatregardless of any misfortunes they may face, they will always havetheir home.

We shall also oppose all predatory lending.Homestead subsidies for expanding a family home and property shallincrease with each child born to married parents.


Key industries should be in the hands ofthe nation, not multinational corporations or stockholders. Our coal,oil, natural gas, key defense industries, banks, water,telecommunications and media conglomerates shall be nationalized andplaced into National corporations. Profit is to be achieved throughrisk, investment, innovation and labor; not through bribingpoliticians to profit off of natural resource wealth which rightfullybelongs to the nation.

This process of nationalization will remove theJewish, internationalist, and capitalist stranglehold on informationand resources and put these to work for the benefit of the nation andpeople, not international stockholders or Jewish oligarchs. We willalso bring an end to the ridiculous legal concept of ‘corporateperson-hood.’

Profits from the national corporations shall beinvested in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other programsfor the direct benefit of the people. Citizens shall have the rightto create and partake in the creation of locally controlled andprivate industry, regulated by the State and held to the samestandard as the nationalized industries.


Usury, permitting predatory lenders tofinancially exploit and effectively enslave working families and thenation, is immoral and exacerbates income inequality. Future lendingto individuals is to be tightly regulated by the national bank andlocal credit unions, with strict limits on fees and penalties.

Community and state colleges will also have theirclass fee schedules scrutinized for excess profit and loweredaccordingly.

Bankruptcy laws are to be revised to help workingfamilies never again fall into the debt trap, while promoting wisefinancial decisions. The ‘payday loan’ shops, the usurious creditcards, and the subprime mortgage industry are to be opposed and shutdown.

8.Support for the Family

We support the traditional definition of marriageand reinforce the principle that sustainable and healthy families arethe cornerstone of a healthy nation. Providing support for newmothers and their families shall be a mission of the State.

There shall be paid maternity and paternity leavefor new parents. Paid leave is to ensure the stability of themarriage and a healthy nurturing environment for the child where bothparents can be active in the life of the child.

Mortgage assistance will be provided to familiesfor each child born, to allow them to better care for their familiesand ensure each child has a safe home to grow up in. Each birth of achild will lead to a reduction of 25% on the mortgage for a standardsingle-family home, thus encouraging couples to have large andhealthy families. The State shall provide a large expansion ofhousing for our citizens, focusing first on the needs of youngpeople, the working class and all families.

We oppose any industries that damage the family.

9.Preservationof Life

“The most precious possession you have inthis world is your own people.” Adolf Hitler​

In modern America, pro-life has a very limitedmeaning, but the National Socialist Movement believes in anall-encompassing series of policies to promote the health and growthof our people.

A society which fails to protect its mostvulnerable–women, children, its vulnerable pregnant women and itsunborn children–is a degenerate one. A bright white line must bedrawn around the sanctity of innocent human life.

The current demographic decline of the Europeanpeople throughout the world stems from governmental policies and amedia that seeks to disadvantage those having children, and familieswith children. We reject this and shall work to reverse the decadesof demographic decline through investment in our men, women, andfamilies.

We cannot separate the support for life fromsupport for the mother and the family. Our Party fully understandsthe immense challenges women face from pregnancy, which is why ourposition on supporting mothers and families is so crucial.

The Party shall promote holistic approach toinvesting in families, including expanded adoption assistance,expanded welfare and social service assistance for unwed Whitemothers, and even more assistance for wed White mothers and theirhusbands. Abortion will be prohibited for White women unless thereare extenuating circumstances.

The position of motherhood and femininity shallbe celebrated in our society and culture as an equal position withthat of men, with separate but distinct jobs and

responsibilities within the society and the home,destroying the Jewish stigma against motherhood and femininity.


The clearest way for the globalist andJewish elites to control America is through the Federal Reserve andcurrent banking system. We will end the Federal Reserve and replaceit with a national bank, owned by and accountable to the citizenry.

The wealth of the nation is to be found in itsresources and people, not fiat currency loaned at usurious interestthat enslaves the nation for all generations to the internationalistelements. Our people shall be in charge of our currency. Therefore,we shall remove ourselves from the World Bank, the World TradeOrganization, and the International Monetary Fund.

Globalist “free trade” deals have destroyedour industrial economy and have begun a global ‘race to the bottom’in wages and conditions for workers around the world.

The Trade Policy of the National SocialistMovement is one that promotes the self-reliance of the nation and thehealth of our industry, environment, and workers as our primaryconcern. We shall favor trade with fellow nationalist and NationalSocialist nations, promoting solidarity between our movements, whilealways putting our own nation and people first.

Corporations that attempt to take jobs overseas,looking to cash in on cheap foreign labor will be hit withoverwhelming tax penalties and tariffs on their goods or withnationalization of their business.

11.Organization of Government

The government shall be organized with anational leader, a central committee subordinate to the office of thenational leader, and on the regional level, local civil governments.

The National Socialist Movement, as the bannercarrier and embodiment of the State and our People's Revolution,shall be the sole political party of the nation.

The national leader shall serve a term of eightyears, chosen by a limited electorate.

While free expression, a wide range ofperspectives, and a diversity of political positions will be welcome,the liberal modern “multi-party” state, where the people aresplit in half and pitted against itself in destructive electoralcircuses, will be retired. People will be welcome to align andorganize on particular issues, but within a cooperative andtransparent rather than competitive and corrupt political order.

The election system shall be done by paper ballotwith full transparency to the electorate and both national andinternational election officials. Corporations and lobby groupscannot contribute to political campaigns, and personal donations forindividual candidates shall be limited to the current value (in 2018American dollars) of $250 per election cycle.

Local elections shall be held every four years,with all members of local government being subject to a recallelection if 70% of the electorate signs a recall petition.

The Party Central Committee will be made up ofappointed Party leaders, military officers, union representatives,and religious leaders; elected by their constituents every eightyears. 12.Religion The spiritual element of national rebirth cannotbe understated in its importance.True faith is built upon searchingfor truth, and applying it to the individual, families, and thenation.The National Socialist Movement rejects the secular stanceofcommunism and instead promotes religion and faith as an importantpart of both public and private life.

Every Faith, regardless of denomination, shall beprotected. Christians of different confessions,Folk Religionists, andothers (including thosenot confessing a religious stance) are allmembers of the same extended family and thus share a common destinyand relationship with one another. Our Party promotes respect andtolerance within the National Community on different expressions ofFaith.

Communities and local governments are to beempowered to express their religious traditions and celebrate theirheritage. “Separation of Church and State” as currentlypracticedforces a de factostate religion of degenerate secularism oneveryone. Communities and regions should be allowed to express theirreligious traditions without the threat of interference in their wayof life.

Religious institutions are tobe protected fromgovernment interference.There is to be no tax filing requirement forreligious institutions.Churches, religious organizations andreligious societies should be permittedto takepublic stands on issuesof morality and Faith without fear of reprisal.

Religious organizations will not be allowed toengage in partisanpolitics, in order to allow both the Church and theState to run their affairs within their own sphere.

The State shall not infringe on the Church,andwhile believers of religious communities are encouraged to engagein the political system, there must be a clear line between the twoentities within our society.

13.Immigration Immigration into the WhiteHomeland shall be limited to members of the White EuropeanRace, whichis defined as White Caucasians who are the descendants of indigenousEuropeans. Retention of traditional Europeanlanguages, traditions,and customs by European immigrants is encouraged. However,assimilation to the dominant culture will be required for thesake ofnational unity.


Groups who are not Europeans are separateethnicities and thus shall have their own homelands, separate fromours.

Students, foreign dignitaries, tourists, andthosewith needed skill sets will be allowed to visit our nation. While wewill protect our nation, we believe that openness, understanding, andfriendship is key to building a more peaceful and prosperous world.14.ForeignPolicy Weshall dramatically reduce theAmerican Empire’smilitary’s global footprint, with a reorientationof our militaryback to its original purpose; defending our homeland.

Our nation will focus less onnation-buildingabroad and more on nation-building right here at home, with expandedbenefits and improved services for our servicemen and veterans,especially our homeless and disabled veterans.

Wecall for the end of theZionist occupationofPalestinian land, the restoration of the 1967 borders, liberation ofthe GolanHeights, and the removal of all illegal Israelisettlements.The National Socialist Movement supports theworldwideBoycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Weoppose all foreign aid except for urgentdisaster relief. Charity begins at home and our policies shall becentered around putting our people first, while also cooperating withfellow Europeans and nationalist movements and governments. Weshallsupport fellow nationalist governments and movements againstinternationalist forces, paving the way towards a world of freepeoples. 15.Infrastructure The National Socialist Movement supports aseries of large infrastructure projects to rebuild our communitiesfrom the ground up. Our rail systems, airports, roads, bridges,electrical grid, dams, mass transit system, levees and wastewatersystems will be repaired, modernized, andexpanded.

The pipes that bring water to our familiescontaining lead or other hazardous materials will be replaced.Investments will be made to expand high speed Internet accessthroughout rural and suburban areas at affordable rates. Developmentof the most advancedgreen mass transit system in theworld is stronglysupported.

Theseprograms will help revitalize both urban andrural areas, making businesses more competitive, providing a higherstandard of living, and ensuring a safer and more just system forall. 16.RegulateForeignLobbies Lobbying groups for foreign interestswill be banned. Dual citizenship will be scrapped. Wealth transfersof our tax dollars to Israel and other ‘allies’will beterminated.

All immigrants caught advocating for foreigngovernments will have their citizenship revoked and will be deportedafter an appropriate sentencing and punishment.

Private charities, civic organizations, NGOs, andcorporations will be monitoredfor foreign subversive activity andthose foundguilty will be vigorously prosecuted and their assetsseized. 17.TheMilitary The military for our nation will be one of themost powerful in the world. Wewill invest heavily in both newtechnologies and our traditional forces. Our military will be focusedon national defense, the defense of our allies, andthe defense ofEuropeanblood. Our servicemen will not only be honored withceremonies and parades, but with policies and programs designed toensure that there will never be another homeless, destitute,orforgottenveteran. 18.Marriage Marriage and the home is thefoundationof any nation. In order to have a healthy nation and a positiveenvironment for children to grow up in, our government shallencourage healthy and long lastingmarriages.

Marriage will be forever definedas apartnershipbetween a man and a woman.

Married couples will receive large breaks ontaxation, increasing with eachchild born to thefamily,andpreferential government loans for housing and smallbusinesses.

The State shall provide free marriage counselingand other forms of support to keep families together andstrong.19.EconomicSystem The capitalist economic system is built upon theexploitation of thosewho are economically weak and robs theworkers oftheir labor power.The current system views and values humanbeings bythe number of things andthe amount of money they possess, instead ofby their internal values and their achievements.This must be replacedby a new and just economic system.

Weassert that to be employed, to have purpose,and to support a family is a fundamental right. It is our intentiontocreateorganizations, policies, and programs to ensure that no man isever denied “the right to work.”

It is also the duty andresponsibility of eachcitizen to contribute to the economic life of the nation, in whatevercapacity they are able.Those who are unemployed will be given jobsworking on civic and infrastructure projects to qualify for a livingwage and government assistance.

We will have a strong social safety net;malingering and chronic unemployment by choice will not be subsidizedor tolerated.Those with physical handicaps, illness, or developmentaldisabilities will be found work in accordance will their abilities toensure thatevery citizen contributes to the nation as they are able,and can find true value in their contributions. The CivilianConservation Corp and other public works programs shall berevitalized and increased, providing jobs to all citizens andimprovement to our local communities, infrastructure, andenvironment.

Through the cooperation of the social andeconomic classes of our people, we can empower every member of oursociety to bring abouta rebirth of our people and a just economy thatprovides living wages, good working conditions, and plentifulopportunities for all members of the National Community.

Weshall end the Wall Street speculationthat timeafter time has looted our pockets and our pensions while demandingbailouts to continuethe gambling of our futures by a handful ofeconomic elites.

About Nsm 3.8design Water Supply Systems

Companies and corporations shall be accountableto their employees, customers and the nation, not foreign nations orstockholders.

Our workers shall end the exploitative andpoisonous capitalist system and replace it with one that is guided bythe spirit of justice, fairness, and equality of opportunity.

Wesupport the economic model of the cooperativewhere workers are entitled to a dividend of company profits and havea strong democratic voice in the management of thecompany,particularly in relationto working conditions andtheenvironment within their place of employment.

Workers have a right to strike for betterconditions if an agreement between theworkers unionand businessowners cannotbe reached through negotiation. Our nation shall ban theuse of lockouts or private security thugs to try to intimidateorbreak labor organizing efforts.

Companies, economic investment, and innovatorsshould be entitled to the fruits of their investments and hard work,but the good of the people and the nation must take precedence overcorporate profit.We believe in true National Socialism for ourworkers, our families, and our nation.

All workers shall be organized in a nationalunion. This worker union shall give a unified and powerful voice forworkers. This union shall work in cooperation with the owners of thebusiness to provide a mutually beneficial relationship for both laborand capital while securinggood working conditions for employees andabove all, a just economy.

About nsm 3.8design water supply system

20.TheYouth Within our nation, education andtrainingof our children is crucial to the long term survival of ourculture, identity,andpeople.

Every student shall have the right to a freeandcomprehensive education.The nation will guarantee free educationto all children from preschool to higher education.

For higher education, the State shall encouragevocational training youth with the aptitudefor those professions,while also guaranteeing access to universities, based on ability,forthose called to academia and professions requiring a universitydegree.

Weshall include a strong civics curriculum toteach students to be active citizens, expand arts education, andincrease funding for after-school and daycare programs.

Homeschooling and parochial schools willbeallowed for families andcommunities that desire to educate theirchildren in that manner.

Youngpeople at the age of ten years old will beenrolled in either the national youth organization or a similarparochial or community group.These organizations will allteachphysical fitness, survival skills, traditional gender roles,history,and lifeskills to prepare children for independenceandcreating their own families by the time they are adults.


Youngmen and women will also be trained in avariety of skills in relation to agriculture, tradeskills, basicmedical skills, self-defense, service to their family,and service tothe nation, as part of the national youth league organization orcommunity group of their choice. 21.TheMedia The media will be ownedby either the State or citizens of thenation. National control andoversight of the media will ensure that foreign nations and hostileelements will not be allowed to poisonthe minds of our citizens andpromote disunity within our nation.

Private media outlets will be allowed as long asthey do not work to undermine the nation, our morality,or nationalmorale.

22.Freedom ofSpeech Freedom of speech,expression, points of view and advocacy of causes are to beguaranteed to citizens, including (if required) utilizing lawenforcement to protect speech from violence.

Wewill not tolerate treasonous and seditiousacts; organizing with the intention of overthrowing the people’sstate, speech advocating violence against individuals or members ofinstitutions, or the deliberate spreading of lies calculated toundermine institutions. Neither will we permit thepublic distributionof media that is designedto cause clear and evident harm toourpeople.

This will be a People’s State, there will benoroom for subversive or alien elements because they are not members ofour national community and not ‘our people’.

The harm that has been done to our people becausewe tolerated evil in our midst will take generations to recover from,there can be no estimate of the damage – that is not ‘freespeech.’ That is Genocide, and we will not suffer it again. Thosewho spread false ideas and worldviews that are anathema to thesurvival of our people will be acted upon proportionately anddecisively. 23.Rightto BearArms As part of our Law and Orderplatform, an armed society is a safesociety, for the purposes ofpersonal, home, and national defense. Ownership and carrying offirearms in public shall be protected and encouraged.

The only restrictions on the ownership of armswill be when an individual has been convicted of using a firearm inthe commissionof a violent crime or is found by an open court ofhis/her peers with no less than two medical doctors to be mentallyincapable of safe firearm ownership. 24.Anti-socialBehaviors Weshallnot allow for any behavior antithetical to thevalues of the State,public morality,healthy families, andthe protection of children.Thefuture of the State is the family and as such it shall be protectedfrom any and all behavior that assaults it.

Thosesuffering from drug addiction or otheranti-social behaviors will be offered extensive opportunitiesandsupport to overcome their addictions.

Addiction shall be treated as medical issue, nota criminal one. Wewill be a compassionate society that seeks toassist and love all of our sons and daughters.

Refusal to receive treatment and work to overcomeaddiction however,will be dealt with justly,for thesake of the nationand the future of our people. While we will

exercise compassion for those struggle withvices, promotion of public vices through media outlets or publicdemonstrations will not be tolerated. 25.Lawand Order The purpose ofthe State is to provide a safecommunity for our citizens. Weshallfocus on a process of rehabilitation for most criminals, endingfor-profit/private prisons, solitary confinement in prisons, andending the classist bail system, in order to integrate criminals backinto the National Community.

Justice for the victims, and society at large,and rehabilitationof offenders shall be the guiding principle of ourlegal system.

Prison shall only be for certain classes ofoffenders and dedicated to rehabilitation. Most crimes shall be paidin restitution, service to the nation, corporal punishment, andconscription for infrastructure and agrarian work, not prison.

Weshall restore judicial discretionin sentencing,ending mandatory sentencing that removes any and all choice by thejudge in regards to circumstances.

Local organizations between fellow communitymembers shall provide initial recourse for disagreements, mediation,and settling issues, before involving the justice system in a civilor criminal manner.

Weshall prohibit property forfeiture fornon-convicted suspects.

The civil, criminal, and family court system willbe totally overhauledand rewritten to remove the parasitic nature ofmodern Western democracies legal codes of lawyers, corruption, andthe high cost of legal services which has effectively created atwo-tiered system based onclass. Our justice system will be based onand founded upon traditional Europeanvalues and equal treatment underthe law for all citizens.

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